Tuesday, 6 September 2011

All planned out

Planned out my pinwheel runner at the weekend, so just need to trim all 90 of my white squares now, woo!

Here's how I trimmed the small ones:
Cut a piece of fairly heavy hard and golden into quarters as accurately as possible. Line up the horizontal and vertical seams with those on the card.

Line up your ruler to this and hold it down firmly, move the card put of the way slightly and cut with a rotary cutter.

I try to keep the card the sane way as I turn the block round to cut the edges, just incase there's any inaccuracies in my card template, at least they'll all the square in the same way!!
Lots of my corners didn't align properly, but again I'm trying to embrace the wonky handmadeness of patchwork and quilting :)

The obligatory puss cat picture. God knows why she decided to make herself comfy in our bathroom sink while I was on the loo... (yes I was on my phone multitasking, catching up on tweets of the day...) she was really grumpy when I needed to wash my hands & she needed to move.
Been thinking about how to finish off the front too, would like to add some kind of a border and bonding but I'm not great at either of them! Maybe this will be a good one to try it with. If I bind it using the backing fabric brought over the edges and sewn to the front (self-binding) I think it needs some kind of contrast to the pink & whites, so maybe a black piping line between binding and border or between the pinwheel blocks and border, haven't decided...

Got a few bits sorted for the backing though, went on a bit of a spending bender last week. John Lewis had 50% some Tanya Whelan and other favourites of mine, so I've got plenty to play with now!!
Think it's going to be quite simple white & pink thick stripes that are the same widths as the blocks on the front, hopefully quilting in the ditches in the same places as on the front, fingers crossed!

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