Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Nearly there!

Ok my last post was in draft for two weeks after being on holiday for my grandads/husbands big birthdays - born exactly 50 years apart in the same day.
But I finally sat down to the runner again this weekend after really missing it.

The strips for the back were loosely planned (not really measured for the piecing, as long as they were long enough I didn't worry) and hopefully will align with the pinwheel quilting lines but if not, meh. I included the embroidered label and an embroidery of one of the recipients tattoos which happened to be in my doodle stitching book. I did do some other embroideries for the back but they didn't really fit in terms of size or style really. But I think it looks good, even if it is just the back!
I also spray basted the quilt together yesterday, slightly scary but turned out alright. Think it's a bit wonky and has a pucker on the back but nothing too bad that can't be fixed or trimmed to perfection later. I bought the black fabric for the binding too along with a metal bias maker, although I'm not cutting on the bias (they'll be straight seems so why bother risking more wonkyness!) so after quilting that's my next job.
I risked my first lines of quilting too, sewing along the flat piping (or flange some people call it... Slightly different meaning here...) the spray basting really stuck and had no shifting or worry about it while trying to keep my lines straight.
Really want to get on with mums Christmas quilt now so this one should be finished well ahead if the birthday it's for.
Not sure if I'll be hand piecing the Christmas lap quilt or some kind of basic machine pattern, but watch this space!

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